Mountain Meadow is a spinning mill set below the Big Horn Mountains on the Western Plains of Wyoming. It is a family-operated mill, owned by Karen Hostetler and her son, Ben, and dedicated to supporting local ranchers and raising awareness about ranching culture in the American West. Mountain Meadow is committed to revitalizing the American wool industry through eco-friendly operations and fair prices for ranchers. In 2007, Mountain Meadow Wool Mill opened its doors as a full-service mill that offered premium prices for wool from local ranches. The company is committed to respect for nature, ethics, and sustainability. It continues to explore new and exciting innovations in wool fiber.
Mountain Meadow Wool Mill is the largest full-service mill in the West. Raw wool enters one side of the facility and finished yarn, apparel, and other products exit the other side. It offers custom processing, custom blending and spinning, as well as 23 different types of yarns that can be hand-dyed in custom colors. The products are 100 percent natural, using biodegradable soaps and non-petroleum spinning oil. It also recycles 50 percent of the water used through the scouring process. Mountain Meadow currently processes over 60,000 pounds of wool a year, with products sold in 42 states and multiple countries.
Visitors of all ages may take a personal tour through the mill and gift shop to learn about the entire process from shorn raw wool to the beautifully hand-dyed finished yarn that is the end product. Visitors will take a self-guided tour on the upper mezzanine looking down on the production floor to learn how wool is washed, dried, combed, spun and hand-dyed. Afterward there is an opportunity to purchase natural, quality products made with Mountain Meadow Wool’s yarn.
Self-guided tours are available anytime the retail store is open. For groups of 15 or more, tours can be scheduled with a member of the management team. Groups will visit each area of the mill’s operation and experience everything that happens at Mountain Meadow Wool.
Click here to schedule a tour: https://events.mountainmeadowwool.com/schedule-your-tour
22 Plains Drive
Buffalo WY, 82834