Get Your Dining On
From fine dining in historic surroundings and your favorite chains to gourmet comfort food and down-home, rustic fare, Buffalo and Kaycee, Wyoming, serve up an eclectic array of excellent dining opportunities. Start exploring these restaurants and find the perfect plates to satisfy your hunger.
Where to Eat
National Chain
Bozeman Trail Steak House
675 E. Hart Street, Buffalo WY, 82834
Pie Zanos
17 N. Main Street, Buffalo WY, 82834
The Virginian Steakhouse
10 N. Main St., Buffalo WY, 82834
Cowboy Bar & Grill
177 US Hwy 16 East, Buffalo WY, 82834
Busy Bee Cafe
10 North Main Street, Buffalo WY, 82834
The Breadboard
190 E. Hart Street, Buffalo WY, 82834
75 N. Bypass Road, Buffalo WY, 82834
Buffalo Thai Kitchen
94 S, Main St., Buffalo WY, 82834
Creekside Family Fun Center
665 E. Hart St., Buffalo WY, 82834
Rosie’s Americana Cafe
65 South Main Street, Buffalo WY, 82834
Cowlick Creamery and Coop
125 Nolan Avenue, Kaycee WY, 82639
South Fork Mountain Lodge Restaurant
U.S. Highway 16, Buffalo WY, 82834