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Trails and Tribulations

Sunday, March 16

Trails and Tribulations

Fourth-generation Kaycee area rancher John Hanson and Ken Moreland will bring their book to life and talk about their history of guiding hunters and packing mules in the Teton and Bighorn wilderness areas in the 1970s and 1980s.

Trails and Tribulations brings together a variety of characters from all walks of life as well as the animals and natural elements they encountered while doing their work.

The presentation — part of the annual series presented by the Hoofprints of the Past Museum — is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 16, at Harold Jarrard Park.

Coffee and cookies will be served.

Books will be available for sale and for signing by the authors.

WHEN: 1 p.m. Sunday, March 16

WHERE: Harold Jarrard Park, 603 Nolan Ave., Kaycee WY 82639

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