What’s Happening over yonder
Whatever the season, there’s always a reason to come to Buffalo and Kaycee, Wyoming. Whether you’re looking for something to do this weekend or want to make sure you don’t miss our annual events, we’ve got you covered.
Johnson County Events
Browse our Upcoming Events
Wyoming Baroque (Music of 1725)
›: Wyoming Baroque (Music of 1725)THURSDAY, MARCH 27 | Step back in time to the year 1725 with a musical performance by Wyoming Baroque.
OxJam Bluegrass Event (Friday)
›: OxJam Bluegrass Event (Friday)FRIDAY, MARCH 28 | The Friday Night Jam Fest with the Big Dawg is part of a three-day bluegrass event.
Kaycee Lions Club Basketball Tournament
›: Kaycee Lions Club Basketball TournamentMARCH 29-30 | The Kaycee Lions Club’s annual 5-on-5 basketball tournament resumes.
OxJam Bluegrass Event (Saturday)
›: OxJam Bluegrass Event (Saturday)SATURDAY, MARCH 29 | The Saturday Night Concert is part of a three-day bluegrass event.
Sheridan College Flute Choir
›: Sheridan College Flute ChoirMONDAY, APRIL 7 | Johnson County Library in Buffalo hosts the Sheridan College Flute Choir.
Sheridan College Brass Ensembles
›: Sheridan College Brass EnsemblesMONDAY, APRIL 14 | Johnson County Library hosts the Sheridan College Brass Ensembles.
Sheridan College Chamber Choir
›: Sheridan College Chamber ChoirMONDAY, APRIL 21 | Johnson County Library hosts the Sheridan College Chamber Choir.
Spring Fling Art & Craft Fair
›: Spring Fling Art & Craft FairSATURDAY, APRIL 26 | Johnson County Arts & Humanities Council hosts first spring fling fair.