What’s Happening over yonder
Whatever the season, there’s always a reason to come to Buffalo and Kaycee, Wyoming. Whether you’re looking for something to do this weekend or want to make sure you don’t miss our annual events, we’ve got you covered.
Johnson County Events
Browse our Upcoming Events
Wyoming Sheep & Wool Festival
›: Wyoming Sheep & Wool FestivalJULY 11 TO JULY 13 | The third annual celebration will be hosted at the Johnson County Fairgrounds.
Range War Rodeo
›: Range War RodeoTHURSDAY, JULY 17 | The second event in the Range War Rodeo series at Johnson County Fairgrounds.
Archaeology Fair
›: Archaeology FairSATURDAY, JULY 26 | Archaeology Fair at Fort Phil Kearny will include presentations, activities, and demonstrations.
Wagon Box Fight Anniversary
›: Wagon Box Fight AnniversarySATURDAY, AUGUST 2 | Learn about the Wagon Box Fight on the anniversary of the 1867 battle where it took place.
Johnson County War Tour
›: Johnson County War TourSATURDAY, AUGUST 16 | The Hoofprints of the Past Museum will host a tour following the Invaders’ route.
Range War Rodeo
›: Range War RodeoTHURSDAY, AUGUST 21 | The final event in the Range War Rodeo series at Johnson County Fairgrounds.
Fort Phil Kearny Cemetery Walk
›: Fort Phil Kearny Cemetery WalkWEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3 | A guided hike will feature the Post Cemetery at Fort Phil Kearny.
Bozeman Trail Tour
›: Bozeman Trail TourSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 | The Hoofprints of the Past Museum will conduct its annual Bozeman Trail tour.